These are the two COVID-19 data sites I incessantly check

Originally published at:



Their graphs are excellent and allow log-scale viewing or linear scale


I noticed porn hub wasn’t among them…


this is the one we use. the testing tab is great and they are good at linking through to sources:


A Microsoftie I know turned me onto the Bing Covid tracker:

It lets you drill down into the county level in the US.


I use the Johns Hopkins dashboard.


My Picks:

(Includes a nice drill down from world/country/state-province/county-parish, and nicely separates new cases from the existing historical cases so trends are easier to spot.)

(United states focused, but includes negative tests and recoveries, also on a per state basis.)

(Santa Clara County, California, includes a detail reference on available resources including a %uitlization of said resources.)

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IHME data/graphs are way too optimistic and already behind for most states even before the surges

They assume people will isolate but many Americans are not, in certain states almost none.

Find your state or even better county on this site instead to truly grasp what day it’s starting/over


The best I have found is . It allows you to compare any mix of countries/states/regions, linearly or logarithmically, by confirmed cases or by deaths, and either to compare according to the calendar date, or to re-align all comparees by the date of the xth death. Endlessly “amusing”.


I still need to get out of the house and travel throughout the area for work. Knowing which cities have higher number of cases helps me understand where its currently catching on. I mean, I am really happy to know there are still less than 10 reported cases in Nepal, where many good souls are living. However, for really local information, these websites give a case count per city and community in various counties in Southern California:

Los Angeles County City Data

Orange County City Data

Riverside County City Data

San Bernardino County City Data

San Diego County City Data


Spellchecking and A written piece of work.

Happy to help. :grin:


This has suggested to me by a researcher at Washington University weeks ago and I have found it to be the best one so far. Buy them a boba tea!

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Haven’t seen a better (more reliable, science based, transparent, well sourced) site than this one…



Also happy to help! :wink:


I check this site often also. Worth noting (not sure if they do, I’ve not seen it if they do) that they are using total beds and total ICU resources, not excess. Particularly with regard to ICU beds, there are very few unused beds. People are still having heart attacks, car wrecks, cancer exacerbation, etc. that require ICU beds as well. So the actual situation on the ground is much worse than these charts look.

ETA: upon further evaluation, it looks like they do try to account for average occupancy. Not sure why their model is so much more optimistic than most I’ve seen. Hope they are right!


They say “Corvid-19” but it’s more like Corvid-8 or -9 with a wide-angled lens and clever camera angles.


Came here to post this.

Also, on Discord, CoronaVirus (COVID-19) is a more reliable group than your Facebook friends from elementary school who are just now discovering internet rumors and how to share them. Real live epidemiologists hang out there and you can clearly see which members are medical professionals. It has a terrific set of rules and channels for conspiracy theories and political matters - if you don’t adhere to those, they may boot you. Their confirmed-data bot links to Covid19.FYI.


Thanks for the invite. And for the hot tip.

Just joined. Have been avoiding adding yet another comm channel, but now’s the time, obviously. Other family members use Discord extensively.

Agree about the morass and wreckage of Fb.

About time! Thank goodness for that!

My neighborhood listserv would do well to employ same, it’s pretty feisty and unhinge-y right now and people have begged the mods to lay down the law. :unamused:

IHME isn’t really a data site, honestly it is closer to propaganda. While they use data as part of the inputs, that is not what they are presenting. They are presenting models of the future based on their own assumptions and guesses. And since unlike a scientific publication they don’t explain what their model is it how it works it is basically meaningless.

I also think their projections are wildly unrealistic and not compatible with the examples we have seen. But since they don’t really explain, I can’t tell you why. Their qualitative explanation of what they expect in terms of social restrictions and how well they are followed already seem optimistic (also inconsistently explained within the site) but I don’t even trust their models of what strong social distancing would do if followed. They seem to think it will basically instantly stop coronavirus from spreading but that doesn’t seem correct.

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Their expertise are more in handling the back end.

(It was right there; I regret nothing.)