These makers built a fantastically complex Hot Wheels aquapark race track in their backyard

Originally published at: These makers built a fantastically complex Hot Wheels aquapark race track in their backyard | Boing Boing


I’m not sure i ever once successfully made my Hot Wheels do the kind of Evel Knievel jump I wanted them to. Maybe once. They flew, though.


Wow. That’s impressive. I did notice a few edits in there where the car must have done something unexpected, but me pointing that out is just me being an ass. It’s fantastic.

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I hope Mattel licenses this track from it’s creators for Hot Wheels Unleashed.


Their videos are small in number but V high in quality. Looking forward to more :smiley:

Love the Rubber Duckies!

Giant rubber duck sparks Sydney Festival -

The giant inflatable Rubber Duck installation by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman floats on the Parramatta River, as part of the 2014 Sydney Festival, in Western Sydney, January 10, 2014. The creation is five stories tall and five stories wide and has been seen floating in various cities around the world since 2007.


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