"They’re such NPCs" — Why Elon Musk thinks you're not real


What makes that secondary definition and ‘dogwhistle’ use so hilarious is the descriptor “… who do not think for themselves or […] those who lack instrospection or intrapersonal communication.” Much like flinging accusations of ‘grooming’ against the LGBTQI+ community, attempting to affix this interpretation of the phrase amounts to a confession.
Because, seriously, when was the last time Musk or anyone else in the far-right ‘club’ ever proved themselves worthy of the label “player characters” by making decisions with ‘acceptance by the tribe’ not in the forefront of the process, or by displaying true introspective analysis?


A minor point, but the term “NPC” is a lot older than video games. I remember using it playing old-school 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. It meant a character controlled by the dungeon master, which is roughly the same definition.


And the important rule:

Never go murder-hobo on the DM’s pet NPCs!


And it drives me crazy that so many people can’t seem to see that. These people don’t care about anyone else unless they are feeding into their ‘needs’.

For instance, I believe Trump cares about three things.

  1. His brittle, fragile ego
  2. His money
  3. His lusts

Anyone who does not feed those things are bigly, horrible, crazy, lying anarchist communists looking to destroy America.


Baelin has more depth of character than the entire MAGAverse combined.


Another very useful concept tarnished by grubby fascist fingers.

To the edgelord an NPC is just some training dummy to abuse for points.

To TTRPG players of yore an NPC was an avatar of the divine DM who can make or break your day.

I have long thought of myself as an NPC in a world of player characters. I think it’s because I can see where my motivations and actions seem to come in response to the world around me. Nature or nurture, you don’t get to pick either. I don’t see any “Free Will” in the things I do or even understand what that might mean.

Other people are bright;

I alone am dark.

Other people are sharper;

I alone am dull.

Other people have a purpose;

I alone don’t know.

I drift like a wave on the ocean,

I blow as aimless as the wind.

I am different from ordinary people.

I am nourished by the Great Mother.

– An NPC 2500 years ago (Lao Tzu)


Cripes, Modern Life is bleak.

Oh, that is a wonderful application of the term to glitchy shitheads.



I know some people who worked at Giga Texas. Being a completely replaceable cog who gets laid off at a moment’s notice is SOP there.


I mean, really… who more fits the NPC label…?
Ponder Inspector Gadget GIF


Very much what I believe is Trump’s actual thinking when he says “nobody died on January 6th.” Ashley Babbit isn’t a somebody. He’s feeling blameless because Pence and Pelosi (who he must worry that others believe are “somebodies”) weren’t hung from the DIY gallows.


My BFF used to put together reunion parties re: a long-ago punk club.

Before one of those parties, another friend and I were discussing friends we hadn’t seen in decades. I brought up a girl w/whom we’d spent many enjoyable evenings. My pal told me, “Oh, Eva got filthy rich when she created a range of hair care products, and won’t even talk to anyone who isn’t at least a millionaire.”

Fuck her and fuck lone skum. They have nothing that gives them actual character.


Wondering/guessing her products were marketed as “punk.”

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If Elon was a Skyrim NPC, I just know he’d be a Thalmor.


That’s how I remember the private sector in Austin, in general, but manufacturing in particular. :man_shrugging: FWIW.
(But in that context, Tesla moving there kind of fit right in… </s>)


I know nothing about it. I didn’t bother to inquire, even after the shock had passed.

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He has levels in Merchant, which was historically an NPC class, though some versions have it as a playable class. He’s no wizard, he’s no fighter, and buying worshippers doesn’t give you any cleric levels.

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