Things to download for extended offline-ness?

And one of the Internet Archive would keep you busy. It was only ~50 petabytes as of two years ago…

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I actually had my tech license once upon a time. Ended up letting it lapse because no equipment. I still occasionally do online retests at QRZ and generally get in the 80’s. Probably should try getting re-licensed and get General at some point, especially since morse requirements got removed (still feel bad I never got my head around morse code.)

Added to the list, thanks for reminding me.

This is kinda why I just let my license lapse. Not enough money to get gear and not enough anything else to build my own, because I seriously have wanted to try two meter packet.Sure the chinese market means you get cheap handhelds ubt…for me Ham is more than just random guy in the middle of nowhere with a radio. Then again wait. WTF $35?

…hang on a tic did I read that write? Did you type that right? I remember the handheld my school let me use when I was a student and part of their club it cost $200ish and $200 being fairly cheap at the time for equipment. So… wait. I don’t have that money, but it’s now on the list for when I do.

As with a lot of things, it isn’t lack of want, it’s lack of resources and or money. Ton of stuff I want to do, but. well… if I’m in bad enough shape i can’t keep internet going, do I look like i have the wherewithal for said projects?

That said, I want to hear what you have in mind because even if I can’t doesn’t mean someone else that sees this thread won’t be the one to pick up on the idea.

My biggest problem here is I’ve heard Can’t for so long and generally don’t have the sort of local help to make things happen to the point I know if I were on your side of the screen I’d look at it as ‘this guy keeps shooting everything down that might help. Why bother anymore? Ignore.’

So let’s do a rundown here. Family, OK they’re to activly malicious but they’re different enough from me I can’t get them on board to help with anything I want to do project-wise. I have a laptop from 2010, a desktop from 07, and a lot of time in chunks I can’t predict to the point of never knowing when I can start.

So… what Can I do? Not ‘oh can’t do this can’t do that.’ What is in the ‘can’ column?

Write? Trying to get back into the swing there.

Code? I’ve tried before but beyond just basic HTML and poking around and variable editing on scripts to see what happens I’ve never been able to wrap my head around things, even with Python being easy enough to be picked up by a child. Bugs me coding seems to be such a mindscrew since there are a few things i want to do there.

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Entry level, USB programmable HAM radio:

Removable antenna, in case you want to wire it up to something bigger. There’s cheaper still, actually.

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I’d ask how, but. China.


I am not an EE, but I gather it’s as much advances in SoC fabrication than it is cheap Chinese labor.

I am sure other people on this forum could speak to that better. (Bunnie Huang watching this thread by any chance?)

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