This 3D display uses a single bead controlled by acoustic levitation

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They need a simple name for this type of display. How about “moving pictures”?


All its missing is a tiny little Mike Teevee dressed up in a white smock.


Finally, a place to send my broken beanbag chair. It’s been leaking those damn things for years.


What is the point of this thing?

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That’s amazing that they can actually move the bead with sufficient speed to draw out shapes of pretty good size and complexity, considering. (And then, moreover, using the same system to also switch over to producing sound or tactile feedback at the same time.) I wonder if it theoretically scales to more than one “pixel” though - I could see that the sonic nature would mean you’d get interference, which would at least complicate things.


It’s limitations are similar to a vector display. i.e. A certain length of drawing before the refresh rate drops too low.

If they ever get that bead going fast enough to do a raster scan, I sure wouldn’t stick my hand in it!


Love that near the end of the video someone is using a Potterverse magic wand to herd the bead around through acoustic interference.

If we can’t get flying cars, at least we can get this.

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Which is where I wonder if multiple beads are possible. Being able to do just a couple hugely extends out the display capabilities.

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This needs to be placed in front of a cat. As soon as possible.

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