This affordable e-reader is a great alternative to Amazon's Kindle

There are plenty of reasons not to use Kindles, and plenty of ways to circumvent those issues… but this article is just misleading. It’s not affordable when your cheapest offering is more expensive than amazon’s most expensive one.

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I’m just amazed we’ve gotten this far without anybody mentioning the name of the damn thing. I can’t look at the name Boox without cringing.

I assume Amazon is selling Kindles with a very low margin or even at a loss. I have one, I’m reasonably happy with it even though most of the books I read came from outside the Kindle ecosystem.


Hmmm I don’t really know but its a fair bet that the answer is no.

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I got an ad-free Fire when my ancient Nexus tablet finally became too dire to use. Its cheap and fine (£60 in 5 monthly payments of £12, so from a functional perspective, practically free). It takes one google search and clicking on a series of 4 URLs to put Google Play store on it, then you can have Brave browser, Moon+ reader and other useful goodness.


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