I’m getting “Americans talking about America” from it, but maybe that’s because I’m familiar with the convention of using speech balloons to show someone talking. My thumbs aren’t nearly so pointy.
Ugh. I do not like it. The new logo feels more blandly corporate to me, reminscent of comment boxes and youtube. The icon form - a speech bubble like a flag - is also problematic. The association in my mind is that it’s ‘speaking patriotically’, as opposed to ‘americans speaking’.
Especially when you consider that many americans don’t like what that flag represents right now.
This sounds to me like you’re bringing a lot of your own baggage to a very non-political icon of a flag with a speech triangle added.
I think if Americans are so angry about their own country that they can’t deal with an image of their own flag, then they have far deeper issues than tweaking a logo can smooth over.
If you think the US flag is non-political you should pay more attention.
This Puerto Rican life
I did not see a speach bubble until folks pointed it out in the comments.
Maybe it is just a side effect of being left handed??
Right on. I like it better than the podcast itself!
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