This children’s book on the miracle of life is very graphic and very anatomically correct

I saw that and heard the Windows “ta-dah” sound.

link to YouTube


Happy mommy never stops smiling for a moment, even during childbirth. The true miracle of life!


What did you search for to find that image?

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Yeah - it blew my mind when I found that out. One the one hand I know that artists can work in many different styles, but on the other hand… Chris Foss?

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Gasp! The rediscovery of this book is gonna totally ruin porn for the kiddos!

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This is what you get when most of the Puritans have left to found a new country because the old one is too socially liberal.


So then a C-section would be more like:


That would have scared the bejeezus out of me as a child!

And thirty weeks was still iffy for survival back when this book was written. 38-42 weeks is considered full term, so at least 2 more months, thank you.


I think this book is pretty good and should be printed. Everything except the baby smiling from the mom’s vagina. That part is a bit over the top for me.

OBOS is a great book.
I knew the basics since I was a wee lad, but that cleared up some of the finer details.
I’ll get a copy for my kids.

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