This firm gave $10 million in holiday bonus cash to 198 employees

Thank god you came along to point out that a 50k bonus isn’t really all that much. Thank you for your service.


Geez, 50k and I’d be debt free and have a couple of years of rent and/or travel money.


Under socialism, if workers owned their means of production, then $10 million in profit at the end of the year would be $10 million in bonuses. Every year.

Why should owners get to keep all the profit at the end of the year? The workers are the ones who create all the value which is exchanged for that profit.


edit: removed accidentally pasted link

You forget that the workers are all lazy, and so in socialism there is no profit, because once there is enough, the workers just stop working. So the workers would not get any bonus at all. Therefore it’s just as well the work more, which is good for building their character anyway, and hand over the profit to those who made them work harder. Isn’t that much better for everyone?

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If I received a $100 bonus this year, it’d be a shockingly amazing event that would thrill me for days.


Too close to real talk!

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I received exactly one $100 bonus in my life. Next best one was a $50 gift card to Simon Malls.

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