Originally published at: This gentleman's first response is to beat up Chat GPT | Boing Boing
Good for him
Humans 1, Robots 0. Let’s keep it that way!
Alternative comment: He’s lucky that thing wasn’t built by Boston Dynamics.
This video has a slightly staged air about it. If some dude suddenly decided to assault my carefully constructed robot I wouldn’t just stand there and keep filming.
While I don’t support the use of violence like this gentleman did, I wonder if the robots use of the Academese phase “engage in conversation”-instead of plainer words like talk/discuss/chat-triggered him. I know that when I hear such pseudo-sophisticated language, I cringe a bit .
Clicks, hits, whatever…
Do you also reach for your revolver when you hear the word culture?
Wow, just wow.
No, I’m gun owner. But I don’t believe the language that had been re-done as a loss to “leave their mark” and “sound intelligent”.
I ask you this: what’s clearer and less wordy: “Let’s talk.” or “Let’s engage in conversation.” The latter is needlessly flowery and self-aggrandizing.
Yes, god forbid people use words… tool of the devil really…
Sure, blame the robot victim.
If you lack the capacity to engage in conversation you probably lack the necessary capacity for gun ownership.
“You wouldn’t hit an AI with glasses, would you?”
I can think of many things more needless and self-aggrandising than having a verbose style. For example, signing an Internet forum comment.
T. Gracchus
[Dictated not read]
That’s like saying people have a slight need to breath every day.
This video was HIGHLY staged. I can tell by the pixels.
Pseudo-sophisticated? Why are you putting fancy Greek words in your plain talking, partner?
You didn’t see Philly complaining about Hitchbot’s diction. We know that’s pretentious.
If it wasn’t staged, then that dude needs to be taken off the street. His reaction was totally uncalled for.
Pretty much a jerk reaction to an obvious joke. He could have had a lot more fun playing the game.
This was filmed on Congress Ave in downtown Austin. The area boasts a heady mix of tech bros, bankers, state office workers, construction workers, and all the tweakers in town – like the fine gentleman in this video.
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