Originally published at: This giant antique 6-foot-tall accordion is being auctioned off | Boing Boing
Well it was about time that Weird Al entered a glam rock phase
Since I don’t think that you’re using the large air mass as a resonator to get lower notes, I’m not sure what the point is. I mean most monster instruments are designed to get very low notes.
Many years ago I got to hear a musical piece that was written specifically for the lowest of low register symphony instruments. It wasn’t unlistenable, but more otherworldly and very alien. Many of the instruments were either very soft or very loud. The contrabass sax sounded like … farts, and the contrabass and double contrabass flutes produced surprisingly delicate and loud notes. Many of the instruments were rarer than a Stradivarius and the instruments and musicians came in from all over the world. It was quite a production. Some of the notes were more felt than heard.
That written, I have not be able to find a recording of it. The whole production was at a lovely old movie house, the Arlington, and the walls are set too look like a Spanish town, and the ceiling above has small lights to simulate stars. Oddly, the theater has the worlds largest snare drum (I think) connected to it’s giant theatrical pipe organ.
At least it isn’t a giant bagpipe
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