And only one year late!
Why is this man not fighting crime? Or committing crimes, whatever. . .
Something superhero- or super villain-like.
Wait, hoverboards do work on water, McFly?
Now hook three more up to his and fly formation!
I saw some guy riding one of those things back in 2002. Made a real mess of that Macy Gray concert.
The Wright brothers wore tweed suits and bowler hats when they took their first flights, now we have guys wearing jumpsuits covered in advertisements.
Man, what can’t Frank Zappa do?
Nice commercial.
I watched this but by the end all I could think was no wake… no wake… NO WAKE!
A backpack full of jet fuel. What could possibly go wrong?
I wonder how well it deals with windy conditions. I have to say, three miles is pretty impressive - more than my daily commute!
Well it’s cool and all, but it’s gonna be tough getting insurance.
That’s impressive, and very very dangerous looking.