This November, Florida may reverse more than a century of mass Black disenfranchisement

Don’t get too excited over this. The branch of government that would actually process the re-enfranchisement of these ex-cons is controlled by the Governor of the State. And right now, there are a ton of states with Republican Governors that are supposed to automatically re-enfranchise or re-enfranchise upon the ex-felon’s petition, and they simply do not do it.

The Republicans, ethical people that they are, know that jailing people of color on drug charges, and then not re-enfranchising them, means more Republicans get elected. Ex-cons can not afford to sue.

Hey George Soros - want to earn the reputation of which you are accused? Fund a fleet of lawyers to take legal action against this sort of thing (and a lot more). Pro bono ain’t doing squat.

That’s my point - putting that kind of stuff into a constitution makes the constitution ridiculously long, unwieldy, and in need of constant revision because it’s full of things that a reasonable person could have foreseen are not going to be eternal verities that outlast the state established by the constitution. Those are undesirable and totally avoidable properties of a constitution.

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