This robotic finger is covered in living human skin

Probably because I just re-read them all, but the concept of a robot covered in human flesh reminds me of the Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells. An artificial killer cyborg breaks free of its control and, instead of murdering all the humans, decides that what it wants is to be left alone and to watch soap operas all day.


Do we want Synths? Because this is how we get Synths. And from there it’s a short step to Brotherhood of Steel fascists stomping all over with giant robots!

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This possibly QAnon guy might appreciate the tech.

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“The finger looks slightly ‘sweaty’ straight out of the culture medium,”

Looking “real” like a human is one of the top priorities for humanoid robots that are often tasked to interact with humans in healthcare and service industries.

I am not going to be the one who Googles ‘sweaty nurses’.

Remember, the T-800 is covered with living, human skin.
But dogs can tell the difference.

Y’all keep talking about The Terminator but this is clearly Darkman tech

I don’t know if Johnson & Johnson has anything in the area; but there are a bunch of arrangements on the market aimed at burns or particularly stubborn wounds; some based on the patient’s own cells, for maximum immune compatibility(like the definitely not somewhat creepy sounding ‘RECELL® Autologous Cell Harvesting Device’, or cultured-to-order from a sample of the patient(and just a dash of murine origin) like Epicel) ; some derived from donor tissues for convenient availability without having to harvest from the patient(Are you looking for a dehydrated placental allograft wound covering? Or neonatal foreskin-derived keratinocytes and fibroblasts with bovine Type 1 collagen?)

I’m an utter amateur in terms of the details and clinical data on how well they work; but there are FDA approvals and human patient data going back at least a couple of decades; so (whether because it’s easier to culture skin in the context of an organism that is already familiar with growing skin; or because burns and chronic wounds are just grim enough to be worth the shot) I think that they’ve been trying this sort of thing on people much more urgently than on robots, where it’s sort of an interesting novelty.

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Useful after someone gets Mauled.

…this is fine.

…and thank god for that

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