Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/20/mobile-phone-covered-with-synt.html
Mobile phone covered with synthetic human skin
So then it’s edible? Asking for a canabal friend…
I see where this is going. The future of consumer electronics is a matryoshka doll of alternating electronic and flesh layers; like HR Geiger’s pet cyborg onion.
Goes great with this charger!
Hey, tell me the truth…are we still in the game?
That must feel like cold dead flesh most of the time, no? Like, sure the phone gets warm as it’s used, and that can warm the cover, but imagine reaching to turn off your alarm in the morning, and touching cold skin…
Who’s ready for their bio port? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfym2Neaz4c
I have no words.
New phone, who IS this?
So, umm, why?
What everyone wants to know is, can this be used for sex, and when can I get some?
Focus groups indicated that the only people who wanted non-synthetic human skin on their phones were the ones who also insisted that it come from victims hunted for sport on their private islands; so they went with naugahuman for the mass market; and you’ll have to buy the tacky overpriced models aimed at drug lords and russian oligarchs to get the real stuff.
That is the part you were asking about, right?
Sure, yeah, that’s exactly it. (Backs out slowly while carefully not making eye contact)
But can you have a meaningful relationship with your phone?
Terminator cosplayers everywhere take notice.
Is this skin from a synthetic human, or synthesized human skin? It’s not clear. No one has mentioned pinch to zoom, I notice.
Thanks. I hate it.
All hail the new flesh!
WTF is that?!?!
…or poke to annoy. The two-fingered jab will feel good, though.