Originally published at: This robotic finger is covered in living human skin | Boing Boing
Neat! For work I once had to evaluate a finger pinch hazard and used a 3D printed skeletal structure with molded silicone skin, but something like this would be even creepier and more accurate.
That’s going to be subject to Rule 34 quicker than you can blink.
Somebody will make a ‘Junior Patrick’ plus edition for any Coupling fans out there
mmm , I wonder how my cat would react to a skin covered roomba?
Sooooo, Google (allegedly) has a self aware AI and someone else is thiiiiis close to androids with human skin. Great. This will end well.
I dunno, but the dog will either bite it or hump it. Or, likely, both
I’m going to need that back, by the way.
“Pull my finger, human”
This is going to be nightmare fuel for all those QAnon types out there.
It could be a game changer for people suffering massive burns I would think. As with anything some warped asshole will find a way to abuse the process but the good may prove to worth the risk of harm.
It looks like that have managed to create a prosthetic “Well, actually…” figure for pedants wounded in the line of duty.
“The developed skin is much weaker than natural skin and can’t survive long without constant nutrient supply and waste removal.”
Digital Shit?
Not the finger I was imagining…
Now it can use time displacement machine to go after Sarah Connor.
Does it live long, this new flesh?
On the serious side, this should probably create spinoffs for skin grafts and other stuff.
BAND-AID® Brand Living Strips?
I remember a documentary about stuff like this. I think it was called Blade Runner.