Time to learn how to actually use that camera you insisted on buying in high school

They’re priceless.

Keep it and just use film.



I’m a romantic - I do approve of this statement. :thumbsup:

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I decided to be proactive


Nice one. Do we get to move most of the OT posts here over? :slight_smile:

I’m currently living in a “film desert,” and it stinks.

Alternatively go read up on shutter speed and aperture and go take photos. Once you understand those two things adding ISO is a piece of cake in comparison.

I’d actually recommend your camera manual, most of them are quite thorough and, you already own it.


Avoid point and shoots. I can adjust the 6D shutter speed, aperture, and ISO without leaving the viewfinder. You can also get a Sony and go back to those manual Minolta lenses that are still great.

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Monochrome. Develop it in your house. Hell, I recently moved from digital to 120!


The notebook step, I think, is one of the important parts that gets missed. Product matters too, but process can bring a depth and richness.

Technically perfect snapshots are still snapshots.

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Indeed. And I love 120 too.

But this “film desert” also feels to me like an “inspiration desert.”

Ah, that. Well, if it makes you feel better I live in New York but still have to force myself out to shoot. :slight_smile:

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My Konica POP-10 is looooong gone at this point.

Forking from the ridiculous adverpost so there can be some freeform photography discussion without the “lol stupid ads” snark.

Analog and digital photography discussion is welcome!


Hey, thanks!
What’s the protocol around copying posts across? I’m pretty sure that nothing past the initial griping about the original topic is on topic for that post.

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Maybe if @falcor is feeling generous they can move the relevant posts here?

ETA I flagged the original post asking for help

I know, I asked it twice - I’d delete the first one here, but y’know, it’s part of the conversation now.
[ETA It feels good to wax opionionated about a favourite subject.]

Here’s my contribution.

Erich Salomon with an Ermanox. Both heroic.


Not as heroic as being seen in public with that halfro.


I prefer his work in the Prodigy.


@falcor - I think that might have meant to be the other way round, with off-topic posts from here being spun off into the Dizzy photography topic?