Tip: add "reddit" to search queries to get authentic human results untainted by SEO

Originally published at: Tip: add "reddit" to search queries to get authentic human results untainted by SEO | Boing Boing


Ehh I dunno about this as a one-size-fits-all piece of advice. There’s some real sketchy subreddits out there. Try the word “forum” instead of “reddit” and see what happens? :thinking:

The proof is in the results, of course, if it’s working for you, then it’s working for you!


I had to turn off the plugin that adds -site:pinterest.com to searches because it’s not smart enough to leave it off of Maps searches.


It works! With the example search I feel like the forum results (the graphics tablets example will get you to dpreview) have an interesting profile—older, more professional, but also a bit more peremptory. More likely to have used specific devices extensively, but less likely to have tried alternatives. I wonder if this is a quality of “forums” as a readership. Esp. with gadgets.


what if you are searching for the best forum?

Google Video searches can be filled with so much rubbish from fandom.com.

I will sometimes see a reddit post pop up in video search, but the reddit post itself has no video content if it is loaded.

Well then, I have some GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! :wink:


Just Google “reddit”.

Since this looks like a shameless plug, let me give an honest testimony:

It amazes me how easy it is to do the installation and technical maintenance of a small-scale Discourse server. It is not hard to do at all. There are great tutorials and walk throughs for it. I literally had mine set up and running within a couple of hours. The Linux side is not that difficult. Upgrading to the next version is easy and relatively pain free. It is a lot easier, a lot more fun, and a lot more satisfying than you would ever expect.

If you need a Forum for anything - Discourse is your product.


actually I prefer getting bombarded by ads while I click through 20 slides just to get the answer I searched for :nail_care:

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That’s very kind of you to say, and I will relay your kudos to the team! 🙇‍♂️


Yeah, same. It didn’t work for me either.

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