To fix Canadian copyright, let creators claim their rights back after 25 years

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I’m a big fan of this proposal and I’m curious if the usual players in the copyright debate will stand up and support this, since they make so much noise about how we need strong copyright to protect authors and creators. Well, here’s a proposal that will support authors and creators, but at the expense of labels and publishers. If they really want to support authors and creators, they should be all for this.


Sorry, Corey, but it’s flatly insane to me that copyright of any kind should even last 25 years.

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Merely expanding copyright is like giving your bullied kid more lunch money in the hopes that the bullies will leave them with enough to buy something to eat.

Worse than this, because the extra time added to copyright term comes from the public domain. So it’s like charging all the children a fee to give the bullied kid more lunch money to be stolen from the bullies.

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Copyright should never be fully transferred, but only licensed for a very limited period. The control should stay with the creator permanently. Photographers make contracts like this all the time. Why shouldn’t it be the same for authors, songwriters, scriptwriters, movie makers, etc.?
(Yes, I know movies are more complicated than books and songs, but I think there’s a workable alternative to what we have.)

While this is true, the simple fact is there’s no chance of turning the clock back 100 years on copyright laws. This is at least making sure that the owners of the copyright can be the actual creators, instead of a corporation.

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