Originally published at: Tom the Dancing Bug: A Calvinesque and Hobbesian look at taking a mug shot | Boing Boing
That last panel, with the repeated words is the truly scary part.
I mentioned the recent news about how evangelicals are complaining Jesus is “too woke” to a very religious family member this past weekend. I swear I could hear the Windows shutdown sound playing in their head as they tried to process it. They just kept saying “what?” like Tennant playing the Doctor.
“You are all individuals”
“Yes, we are all individuals.”
“Well, I’m not!”
I think what Trump has realised (or lucked into), that he can say something obviously wrong (“the sky is green”) and it costs him nothing, but his opponents will waste a whole morning trying to prove him wrong (“we talked to the National Weather Service who confirmed that the sky is not green”), while he’s already gone off to tell lies about something else entirely.
I won’t be able to find it or come up with the exact words, but even a past BoingBoing talked about T***p being a perfect stimuli response machine - testing phrases and talking points and keeping whatever got positive reinforcement. That feedback has gotten us the loudest followers with the craziest ideas.
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