TOM THE DANCING BUG: Hollingsworth Hound Learns the Truth About Climate Scientists!

i was speaking about funding bodies.

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Not really true.

Bizarrely, they think the liberals are the slaves of their corporate masters, and the scientists are all conspiring to get rich at the behest of said corporate masters.

No, really guys. I belong to an outdoorsy special interest forum, and this is what they say.

It boggles the mind.

I mean, if the fucking OIL companies canā€™t buy all the scientists in the world, weā€™re expected to believe that somebody else can?


Ah, I see. I mean, sure, thereā€™s been tons of money available to groups like the Heartland Institute, Cato Institute, Friends of Science, etc. to promote views contrary to the scientific consensus on climate change. But they havenā€™t been able to actually come up with any real results, no models of their own, just sniping at made-up inconsistencies like creationists.

Now we know why! That takes special science funding to accomplish, and for all their money that just hasnā€™t been available to them, thanks to a science conspiracy. This is definitely much more plausible than the alternate possibility that there just isnā€™t any evidence to show basic thermodynamics has stopped applying.

Governments! The governments science-funding these scientists have been very eager to profit from actions taken against global warming, as evidenced by the supreme reluctance of the same governments to actually admit it exists and take any actions against it. :neutral_face:


The best of it is, to get in to a good climate science PhD program, you have to have an undergrad degree in physics, applied math with some extra physics, or engineering or chemistry with some extra math and physics, and have done well at it. Any of those (generally very intelligent, and thus capable of figuring this out) people, have two obvious options:

  1. They can spend 6-7 years in grad school, working ridiculous hours and getting payed a pittance (less than minimum wage, in many cases, if you count all the hours they work), and then moving to some random place in the country every two years doing postdocs, still getting payed a pittance, and still working ridiculous hours, for a few more years, and then, if everything works well, and theyā€™re both good at what they do and lucky, getting a tenure track job, which in the lab sciences means roughly three full-time jobs, and slaving away for the next six years in hopes of tenure, now for only marginally more than a pittance, and still not much, when you consider the hours.

  2. They can do what I did in that situation, and spend less than a year getting a technical masters, getting payed way more than a post-doc as an intern, and going into industry, making more right out of school than the brilliant, recently tenured, professor whose lab I worked in as an undergrad, with a lot less hours than any of the people who take option one work.

The people who take option one are not primarily motivated by money.


Exxon has a lot. Of money. A LOT. Like, so much money that if you tried to move it from one side of the US to the other in the form of $20 bills the infrastructure wouldnā€™t be able to handle it.

They can fund as much climate change research as they want, if they think the IPCC or NOAA or whoever is wrong.

Why havenā€™t we seen any actual research from moneied interests like them disproving global climate change?

If the oil companies wanted to, they could fucking launch constellations of satellites to monitor the whole earthā€™s temperature, independently, and prove us all fools for believing the 97%+ consensus of climatologists around the world. Nobodyā€™s stopping them.

The reason they donā€™t? Because global warming is FUCKING HAPPENING, and they know it too. They know any research they do will be consistent with the literally THOUSANDS of studies and papers put out by climatologists currently.

You have no leg to stand on. And Iā€™m not offering you a crutch man. Get your own.


thank youā€¦

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