TOM THE DANCING BUG: School Time Rock - "I'm Just a Law"

Okay, I’ll join in.
Will a boy ever be born that can swim faster than a shark?

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Over 1200 companies have applied for and been granted waivers so they don’t have to participate in the ACA. The Labor unions have even asked for this and are very unhappy…
WSJ Blog
CONGRESS! Guys who make $115 - $150k a year get ACA subsidized! THAT is BS.

Currently YOUR health information is between YOU and your Doctor! The Insurance company does not know the answer you provide on every single detail. They only know what is treated.
NOW with ACA the Government will know everything about you. Your height, weight, blood pressure, sexual history, etc. I promise that data will be used in the future to charge you more if your data is not in line with some government mandated guideline.

If NO website worked on the first day I would be out of a job! Of all the things written here this is likely the most ridiculous.

That makes no sense. How exactly would the government have more information about my health history than my insurance company? It’s not like my doctor reports directly to the Feds.

Besides, there are already loads of people who get their health care directly from the Federal government (think Walter Reed Medical Center, for example) but their health history isn’t a matter of public record.

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So here is what I learned.
It appears everyone ONLY reads the information THEY want to hear which creates a certain idea or spin on how Obamacare works or will work. I include myself.

I read a few things here that clearly pointed out just how differently we look at all of this. It is a real shame we are all so divided politically when we generally get along out in public…at least until you know the other persons politics.

I appreciate the honest comments. Thanks

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Doctors are now REQUIRED to provide this data or they will not be paid.


Health Data

Okay then, a large amount of websites, along with sundry other software-type things, have a tendency to explode like battle-plans confronted with the enemy. Which is by-the-by. Your healthcare system is broken, intrinsically callous, and downright fucking stupid. You are, apparently good at websites. Well done, seriously. I’m terrible at them. If I get ill however, I’m not going to end up in penury, because NHS. You should try it. No, really.


Do you have any citations which weren’t published in a rag like The New York Post by one of the people who started that “Death Panel” nonsense? For example, I’d be much more likely to buy a claim like “Obama wants to know your sexual history” if the person making it was a representative of the ACLU.


NY Post

FORBES - Data Privacy concerns

While searching for this I am confirming my earlier comment. ALL of this information is posted on Libertarian or Conservative leaning sources…that doesn’t mean it is wrong…

I don’t think you can say we “rushed” to do something we should have done in the 1940’s. There was a sincere attempt from the democrats to make this a bipartisan bill, and there was a public call for lawmakers and the public to weigh in on it. This overture was met by accusations of death panels, well-funded astroturfed hysteria and unified opposition. Had it been done more slowly, it would have been killed the way it was killed in the Clinton era, and we’d be waiting another decade. The program is not set in stone, and if it requires improvement, mature lawmaking can do so.


Isn’t it classic doublethink to start from the assumption that garnering information from an avowed politically-biased source need not be questionable?


If there’s any truth to the claim that doctors will be forced to ask new questions that will be reported to a central government database, then of course we must not allow that. But the good faith thing to do, if that’s the real concern, is to pass a specific bill to disallow that kind of thing. The country would be in far better shape if the Republicans had spent the last three years fixing specific problems with the bill rather than voting to repeal 40+ times, then shutting down the government.


The echo chamber of sites that one finds when doing a search all seem to mention the NYCLU…
The NYCLU just issued a report in 2012 about New York’s electronic system and cited some security concerns that could result in private information getting shared.
New NYCLU Report Reveals Privacy Threats in Sharing of Electronic Health Records | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State
In typical trolley fashion, the various nut-ball sites obliquely mention the NYCLU’s concern about privacy issues due to possible security vulnerabilities with the hyperbolic “SEX QUESTIONS shared with Obama’s IRS army” theme.

As I was reading the piece by Ms McCaughey, I was thinking to myself “what kind of crappy doctor can’t think of a reason to ask about a patient’s sex life” – I got my answer here: (answer is: must be a crappy doctor). Of course, Ms McCaughey doesn’t point out where the ACA says that doctors must ask and report these questions.
Doctors, not Obamacare, will ask you about your sex life | The Incidental Economist

But seriously, a cardiologist is saying he can’t imagine a single occasion when he might ask a patient about his sex life? Really? I’m speechless.
he links to the following paper: Sexual Counselling for Individuals With Cardiova... [Eur Heart J. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

The funnest review of McCaughey’s piece is at wonkette:
‘Death Panel’ Inventor Betsy McCaughey Warns Obamacare Will Force Doctors To Ask You About Buttsex

Edit – actually read the wonkette article and had to quote the final line:

Nope, doctors just LOVE it when patients say “I don’t have to tell you that, government stooge! Stop your interrogation immediately! You can take my blood pressure, but you’ll never take my FREEEEEDOOMMMMMM!!!

One intrusive question has already been taken care of:

There’s one question they can’t ask: Thanks to the NRA, Section 2716 of the ACA law bars the federal government from compelling doctors and hospitals to ask you if you own a firearm.

But what if I’m being repeatedly stabbed by intruders and the doctor just wants me to take precautions to defend myself???/

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I think the idea of gov. assisted health care is a good one. I even think we could “afford” it if we rearranged some of our priorities in spending.

I have about zero faith that the current one is going to turn out well. It was rushed through and half the people who voted didn’t read the whole thing. Anecdotally, I have yet to find a doctor excited about it. I know of one who decided to retire early. Something this huge needs a lot of careful planning by some smart people. We have… well we have what we have. One can look at the recently created TSA to see how a poorly contrived gov. entity has been little more than a black hole sucking away tax dollars.

I can’t think of a single time I’ve had to deal with the gov. where I walked away and thought, “Gee, that was pleasant and a well spent use of my time.” God help all of us if the people running healthcare are from the same barrel that run the DMV. I hope it included dental, as I see a lot of gnashing of teeth in the future.

[quote=“Mister44, post:79, topic:11143, full:true”]
It was rushed through and half the people who voted didn’t read the whole thing. [/quote]

Shouldn’t the nearly 4 years between signing and implementation given people a chance to read it and fix it? How is that “rushed”?

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