Top camera app Halide rejected for not explaining why it wants permission to use the camera

Originally published at: Camera app rejected for not explaining why it's using camera


I don’t even understand what kind of shade this is throwing:
the kind of people who call lenses “the glass.”

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Photography nerds (i.e. people who can tell you exactly how many F-stops of shade is being thrown).


So what do other camera apps say for why they want permission to use the camera?


Eventually to open the iPhone you will need to write a note as to why you need to use it. It’s all part of AI (Apple’s Intelligence)


I used to maintain a few simple apps for one of our local sports clubs; Glorified blog/calendar type stuff. We once had an iOS update blocked until we proved [org name] owned the copyright and trademark to a logo image consisting of [org name] in a stylized circle. The image in question wasn’t new to the app, either.

The day I finished handing off responsibility and was done dealing with Apple Store policy nonsense still ranks in my top 5 software development memories.


That’ll be lovely for people whose whole thing is saying WHAT. [wilting look] to offload that to their phone. Those people? Using camera permission to hypnotize twerps with the flash and use LIDAR to size fittings for their faces. I guess it’s just ‘Hostility.’ on the form.

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