Torturer and coverup artist Gina Haspel tried to bow out of CIA Directorship to avoid Senate questioning

Yes, I remember the first time I learned about that, took me a while to reason out how and why they list the world as a net exporter.

Yeah, an intelligence arm of the leader of a country putting together useful information and making it publicly available is downright democratic.

But they probably tortured someone to find out the population of Canada or something.

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Speaking of which…

Also, do y’all remember this story?


Didn’t they have a proposal that was basically precisely 9/11? Like to hijack a plane and fly it into a building as a false flag?

I remember this came in the years shortly after 9/11 and really helped the conspiracy theorists along. I have a funny relationship with 9/11 truthers and many other conspiracy theorists. They think that everyone who disagrees with them just doesn’t see the lengths the government would go to. With most conspiracy theories I feel like saying, “Well of course they would do that, but what you are suggesting isn’t realistically possible or doesn’t benefit the people you are saying it benefits.”

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doesn’t look like it. Yes, there is an airliner.

Okay, it doesn’t go quite that far. Just hijacking planes, not flying them into buildings. I tried to find if there was some other thing I was thinking of, but google isn’t turning up anything. Go human memory!

Tom Clancy - Debt of Honor (1994) ?

In order to defend myself against the accusation of reading books, I will say I’m almost definitely just misremembering Northwoods because I know that 911 conspiracy theorists latched onto it.

Your’re not getting out of this one.
We know you’re a reader, we’ve got your library history.

Honestly, I imagine if there is one secret about myself that would shock the most people it’s that I barely read anything. My actual library history in sum total would be hundreds of children’s books and DVDs, Victor Stenger’s, “God: The Failed Hypothesis” in the late 2000’s, and Handmaid’s Tale and Clockwork Orange in 1997.

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Silly 78-year-old former CIA officer, the first amendment is for white supremacists.

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