Trailer for Bitconned, a documentary about one of the many scamcoins minted in the mid-late 2010s

Originally published at: Trailer for Bitconned, a documentary about one of the many scamcoins minted in the mid-late 2010s | Boing Boing


All cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, are ultimately pyramid schemes. It’s natural that they would attract criminals who pile on additional grifts or outright thefts.

Instead of trying to regulate them, governments should call cryptocurrencies what they are and prohibit the financial institutions they regulate from dealing in them at all. Having established their inherent worthlessness, they should then tell the rugged individualist who still insist on trading the math beanie babies that they’re out of luck looking to the courts for recourse when they inevitably get swindled or robbed.


thats what I thought reading this;

I assume still is?



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