Although this isn’t new, the flames of hatred have been fanned up strong by the bellows of an unchained idiot dressed in the garb of a leader. Make no mistake, he truly is a leader of people who need to find a target for their aimless, pointless hate. Sick, he yells, get them out of the military, no special privilege or protection for their kind. So other kids turn on a kid with enough courage to be herself and gouge out her eyes, mutilate genitals and burn the remains. Thank you for showing what leaders can do, you soulless son of a bitch. And fuck you, you sick bastards who take your directions from this carrier of hate. Stick together and pray you never see that crowd of animals coming to gouge out your eyes, to rip your body to shreds
because once that hate is turned onto you, you might have a brief but vivid idea of what your own soul is worth.