Truck has 480,000 lumen light panel installed on it

Ha! It’s electric turtles all the way down!

“Flashlight” is a wonderful bit of marketing magic but in the world of British English the traditional term for this device is a Torch.

That’s my segue to this eminently dreadful bit of British puppetry from circa 1960. BTW this was made by the same production company that made Thunderbirds. For a bit more trivia: as they progressed with space fantasy stories they became adept at modeling and in particular camera techniques that slowly glided over spaceships to give the effect of massive size and motion. These were later employed in 2001: A Space Odyssey. From humble beginnings…


Never heard of a fence?

It’s not difficult to keep animals off the road, it just costs some extra money. Places that care about it, do it.

Placing fences very often unacceptably interferes with animal movement, including migrations.


I doubt the state will make that a requirement for owners of several acres like the land surrounding the road I used. Also, states have been struggling with keeping the roads free of wildlife for a long time, and at great expense:

Keep in mind this is a report from 2014 that cites a study of costs from 1997 as follows:

This is in addition to spending $1.9 billion and 268 million hours trying to solve or prevent the problem (Conover 1997b).

Those figures are probably much higher now.

An acquaintance was on the crew of one of these during the Gulf War

Talk to Trump about fences. He builds the best fences. Just ask him.

Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of this $25 Sawzall-clone I got from Wal Mart to cut through this-a-here border fence ^^’ .

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Where should I plug them in?

That guy needs ear protection.

Best you use the battery powered ones - a few solar panels and you are totally off grid.


I’d agree if the light bro dudes were out for hours every night, but we both know that ain’t true.

If occasional blast of big lights are enough to ruin some raccoons getting it on, welp we got lightning, full moons, and the gentle glow of an entire refinery lighting up the valley. Fucking batman’s spotlight is probably used more often that the uber light brite.

You are very right, yet those people still complain about a big fucking flashlight like Trump made it.

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We certainly don’t need to outlaw any more devices any more than it was a good idea to outlaw particular substances. Actions should have laws to curtail them, just actions.

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