Trump CIA made plans to kidnap, assassinate Assange

Not that it excuses the CIA, because it doesn’t, but I would imagine they have drawn up plans like this for every single one of “America’s Enemies.” I can see assange on that list not because he is or isn’t an enemy (though him basically feeding Chelsea Manning to the wolves was disgusting and he’s got a lot of other really /interesting/ disclosures that he made that he probably should explain) , but because he MIGHT have information on Trump to leak too now that basically Trump did nothing to help him after Assange definitely helped Trump win 2016.

I don’t know , though. I always felt Wikileaks was a good and needed site, that needed to be run by someone other than the egomaniac Assange has become. But, then again, you convince someone they’re on a holy mission, you can’t be surprised when they radicalize themselves.