Trump Media plummets yet again —at this rate, on course to become penny stock

Originally published at: Trump Media plummets yet again —at this rate, on course to become penny stock - Boing Boing


Still too much, but the second he starts selling (and don’t worry, he can’t unload all of it without a wealthy sugar daddy ready to catch, and approved, which doesn’t exist…yet), it will fall like the mercury in a Chicago winter thermometer.


Reddit went public at about the same time Truth Social did. Reddit is currently trading at a little under $66 a share.


Penny stocks?

“Tommy, can I call you Tommy? Tommy, now I got a stock for you that has no where to go but up. People are saying the potential for this stock is yuge. The only regret for this stock is that you didn’t put more money into it. In fact, I have it on good authority that a former president has invested heavily into it and I want to make sure you get a slice of it before it explodes. Which president? Well, I am not at liberty to say. No… no it’s not Obama. Well, I’m not supposed to say, but it’s President Trump. Hello? Tommy? Tommy are you there?”


Episode 2 Whatever GIF


I still think this was designed to do exactly that. Specifically for the Saudi’s. But maybe e-Lawn will pick up the slack.


Huh, given how it’s dropping, even if he sells soon, his share probably won’t even be theoretically worth a billion dollars (of course he’s not going to be able to offload them at the full value either). Still, it’s absurd the stock has any value whatsoever.


$1.5 billion? It’d still be overvalued if his share ends up worth $1.50.

And he’s busy with his next grift - crypto. The Daily Show tells all:


As a literal penny stock, he would still clear $1.15 million, as I understand it. Theoretically. But once he starts selling, >poof!< it all evaporates anyway. Everyone else (who had actual money in it) would be screwed.


There’s also the Form 4 thing to contend with when he does go to sell out- the SEC gets cranky when majority stock holders try to liquidate their holdings.

Most likely he’s going to try and get a loan and use those shares as collateral, which IMAO no sane lender would accept.


An article I read today said “Trump Media’s revenue is equivalent to two Starbucks coffee shops…” :smile:

Trump claims he won’t sell it, regardless. But we all know how much his word is worth.


Orange Cheato can’t dump all his stock at once because the SEC has a few things to say about that and there’s the unfortunate collateral consequence (for him, at any rate) of him screwing a chunk of the MAGA voters that invested in it. This, plus the optics of a bald faced lie in the run up to voting could somewhat suppress GQP turnout as their trust in his ‘greatness’ evaporates.


This is the most probable scenario where the lender is going to be very murky and quiet about loan terms.


Perhaps, maybe. Historically, this type of thing hasn’t stopped him from doing anything in the past. The speed of SEC consequences is slow. He could just run out the clock for years.

Why would he care? His entire brand is grifting from them. Nothing would make this any different.

Compared all all the other bald faced lies?

The only thing that likely stops him from selling huge amounts is the price collapse that would cause verses selling off smaller chunks over time. I’m sure there’s and equation comparing total received with a quick sale and price collapse vs smaller sales over time with a slower rate of price dropping.


Yeah, this is the bit to keep an eye on… using the appearance of a loan against Truth stock, to funnel influence money to Trump; with the expectation that the stock will be worthless, the loan never repaid; but the money safely in Trumps hands and the lender credited politically.


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