Trump Media sinks to $18 a share, its lowest ebb yet

Originally published at: Trump Media sinks to $18 a share, its lowest ebb yet - Boing Boing


Once this grift is wrapped up, he’ll also be moving back to Xitter as soon as his platform tanks and Nunes is put out to pasture.


I made some money around the IPO by shorting it. So, I grifted off of his grift I guess.


i see what you did there doctor who GIF


The thing about stock trading that most media people forget about is the word ‘trade’ - that means there has to be a buyer wanting to purchase his shares. Without enough ready buyers, the price will continue to fall as supply outstrips demand.

DJT trade volume is currently less than 6M shares a day (he has over 114M shares so it will take many weeks to fully offload them), so the very second Donald signals even his intent to sell the price is going to tank to penny stock territory. This is always the problem when majority shareholders try to sell large positions…it signals to the market that insiders are trying to cash out and that results in panic selling by everyone else. All sellers and no buyers = price crash.

If he hangs on to his shares and loses the election (*fingers crossed), the company is ultimately doomed. Either way he’s still going to walk away with a lot of money but a multi-billion dollar payday is unlikely. Only way he really wins here is by also winning the election.

ETA: One thing that is more likely to happen is after the lockout period is over, Donald is free to pledge his shares as collateral on loans. That’s basically how Musk, Zuck, Bezos, et al leverage their large stock holdings to fund their lavish lifestyles.


TBH, the stock isn’t even worth one penny a share; can shares be priced at fractions of a cent? /snark


There’s a real issue with stocks that grant awards to executives based on price targets for the stock rather than on more direct business related goals such as revenue targets.

I’m not saying DJT is a scam company (well, maybe I will). But if a company does not have its house in order when it comes to revenue, it is not likely a reliable long-term investment. (poor BlackRock and Vanguard!)

My unqualified opinion is that most likely it is a scam company designed to milk money from investors and put it into Drumpf’s pocket. Take for example, the stock rewards that Drumpf received back in May for pumping the stock up. Then which Drumpf sold 2 weeks later. That’s a classic pump & dump. But if the paperwork is done right, it’s legal (well, grey area. difficult to prosecute). And because there’s a sucker born every minute, wash-rinse-and-repeat.

Drumpf belongs in prison with Enron executives, Bankman-Fried, and Bernie Madoff.


Ebb? Shouldn’t that be flow? :rofl:

(I mean, the tide comes in, goes out, but this piss was headed down the gutter from the start.)

Were there any signs of “mystery players” buying while Trump was selling to give him a payday?


I can’t think about it too much, or I get giggle fits of all the morons who sunk their savings into the stock. Get fucked.




There’s a pretty plausible theory that these sales are being used to prop up Drumpf’s campaign. As the mystery players (Jeff Yass and others) are involved in the stock purchases around the same time as Drumpf’s sales.

I expect this recent batch of shares issued by DJT is the last one. And if this is really just a way to collect campaign donor cash without the FEC involved. Then we can expect DJT to end these games quietly at the end of the next quarter (Dec 31). Maybe even some announcement in a January financial report that Trump Media is “changing directions” or some other nonsense.
This can either be done to push the company into a stealth mode where no activity is done to avoid triggering any sort of prying eyes from regulators.

Or a dissolving of the corporation into a merger. A bankruptcy is unlikely because that would attract way too much attention while Drumpf is in office and easily impeached.

Last bits are just speculation on my part.


I love that movie, especially the running joke that the higher you go in the bank, the less you know about the nuts and bolts of what makes it run.


Unqualified? EVERYTHING he does is a scam, why is there even the remotest chance this isn’t? The only qualifications you need are looking at what he’s done. Knowing anything about stocks isn’t needed.


OMG, if that happens, this will be nowhere near the top of the disaster list. Let’s concentrate on making sure that it does not occur.


… it’s not 1974

We now know impeachment means nothing :roll_eyes:


Pre-IPO price is 17.08. Its $17.53 now. (as of 9/4/24 12:30 ET)


Precisely. The other notable component of this is that Truth, for all intents and purposes, is already fully liquidated.

DJT has existed since July ‘21. It received a high initial bump, then settled down to the ca. $17 level before the merger was approved, which led to a large bump and then the IPO, which made it soar. Being back down to its’ lowest ever value means that the value of “Truth” is absolutely nothing.

This is the all-time valuation with the pin showing the original trading value of $17.33. The second bump is the Truth IPO.

And this shows the bump after the Truth IPO. As you can see, the total value is completely gone. Along with all of the MAGAt’s life savings that went directly into short-seller’s pockets (and I’m very pleased to know one of them is a BBSer; treat yo self to something nice, @veggiespam!).


This makes sense. Although Musk, Zuck, Bezos et al were leveraging shares that were actually worth something. If Trump comes along and goes “I’d like to pledge my $2bn holding in Trump Media as collateral,” whoever he’s talking to may have a hard time keeping a straight face. Sure, on paper it might be worth $2bn, but if Trump defaults on the loan (and what are the odds of that?), I don’t think that whoever picks up his Trump Media shares is going to get super-rich out of it. Certainly not $2bn rich.

But since the whole thing exists as a vehicle to transfer money to Trump, I don’t suppose it matters how much he actually collects. All that matters is that it’s more than he had before.

While people have talked about it being a way of skirting campaign finance laws, I don’t know how much of the money will make it to his presidential campaign. Much of it will probably slide straight into his pockets, or go to paying off his debts to the Russian mafiya or wherever else all his money normally goes.


Madoff is dead.
So yeah, Donnie should certainly share an accommodation with him.