Trump "plans" to make Peter Thiel a supreme court judge

Is that like making Dr. Franz Lipp your Foreign Affairs Deputy?


Despite all the clues, it wasn’t until Donald Trump announced his plan to appoint Martin Shkreli as head of the FDA that we finally realized he’d been trolling us all along.


Just FYI, there’s not constitutional requirement that the person be lawyer for the president to appoint them. I could be appointed a SCOTUS judge, and I’ve only ever successfully fought off a traffic ticket. Trump could appoint Sarah Palin if he was president and felt like it.

Whether any of us would get confirmed is another matter.


Last justice without a law degree:

Robert Jackson also did not have a law degree, though he did attend law school for the full two years.

And he’s widely considered to be one of the greats. It should be noted, however, that law school was just one of two ways of teaching aspiring members of the bar about the law.

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That’s what I think every time I hear that stupid-ass quote;

What do you have to lose?

#Everything is what people like me have to lose, muthafucka; EVERYTHING.


At least there’s a goddamn confirmation process. His cabinet … not so much.

*** Please vote in November if you are a democrat – even if you’re in a blue-as-the-sky state – the closer this election is in popular vote the more credence this guy has. ***

Edit: and giving him credence is bad. So let’s not let this be even close. 51% Clinton to 49% Trump makes the next a-hole take the same damn route as Trump but with a minor pointless tweak.



A fair number of Trump* supporters are feeling like they’ve got nothing to lose, according to interviews, but they just don’t realize how thoroughly he could still screw them over. They seriously lack both knowledge and imagination.

*I just saw that an ancestral variation of the name was “Drumb” - how perfect is that.


Major understatement.

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Not only is tRump’s campaign one that makes satire and hyperbole impossible, I find myself constantly struggling to describe situations pertaining to it without the use of massive understatement.
I mean, in this campaign, when we talk about tRump spewing nonsense, it’s because his speech was literal gibberish that can’t be interpreted to mean anything, talk of “white supremacists” or “neo-Nazis” is a full accurate description of his support, labeling him “dishonest” or “crooked” or “corrupt” fails to capture the fact that he literally lies more than any other politician in a similar position, has been involved with outright scam after scam, consistently engages in wage theft of employees, brags about buying politicians, etc. I talk about tRump voters not just being “low information” but “no information” voters. Yet even that fails to capture the situation accurately because they do have some information - but it’s completely, demonstrably and obviously wrong. How does one describe “less than no information” voters without it sounding like hyperbole?
I find myself consistently at a complete loss to accurately convey just how awful tRump, his campaign and supporters actually are, and I don’t think I’m alone in this problem. (The media certainly share it.)


It seems like dude lies more than all the politicians, lawyers and used car salesmen that I can think of…


And probably more successfully. Because if Trump has one saving grace, it’s that he’s incompetent.


And then there’s “Attack the System” trying to do both… At best, it’s dangerous to work with neo-Nazis, and the ones who are most able to work with them are least likely to suffer from enabling them.

Ad idea: “Would you buy a used car from this guy?” … (trump quotes) … “would you sell your fellow Americans to that guy?”


I’m just hoping that in the debate(s) when the Awful Orange inevitably says “Excuse me!” the Lesser Evil retorts back, “No Donald, there are no excuses for you.


Collectively, even.


##Hole-lee FUCKSOCKS


I don’t entirely disagree with this. Libertarians often argue about exactly how to give a democratic government enough power to secure liberties without giving said government enough power to corrupt politicians and bureaucrats into using that power for opposite ends. Seeing as how eager a lot of people are to run other peoples’ lives, I believe freedom is a problem of culture more than politics. If people value freedom, other peoples’ freedom as well as their own, the politics will follow.


Well, this is where the hardline Republicans will stop Trump in his tracks.

Remember Bush trying to nominate Harriet Miers?

Only fully-programmed anti-abortion ideological robots are allowed as GOP nominees. Thiel is a Breitbartian libertarian mudblood. He’d never pass McConnell’s purity test.

Trump isn’t planning anything of the sort

I’ve seen precious little evidence of planning of any sort in the actions of Herr Donald

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