Trump proposes concentration camps to solve homelessness





Infuriating because their problem is they have no where to live.


I dunno, I can plainly see that unlike money, hatred is indeed trickle-down.


Nice of everybody here to assume he only means to house people there.


Back in 1999, Trump’s pal Rudy Giuliani decreed that homeless people should be forced to work if they wanted to use city homeless shelters (and if they failed to work, they would be denied shelter and any kids they had would be taken into foster care). So there’s a certain consistency of thought here.

For a fascist regime, it would be a pretty good way to deal with political enemies too. The Soviet Union used to put enemies of the regime into “mental hospitals”. Under Trump’s rule, all you’d need to do would be to have the cops burn your opponent’s house down with a few flash-bang grenades, then declare them homeless and “problem solved”. Because I’m pretty sure that there’s no way back from the homeless camps. Once they put you in one, how do you get out? Suddenly remember that you have a house after all, and promise to go back to it if they’ll just let you out? Yeah, I don’t see that working.


I Didnt Desus And Mero GIF by Bernie Sanders

I’ve seen this episode of DS9 enough!


“We will then open up large parcels of inexpensive land, bring in doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, and drug rehab specialists, and create tent cities where the homeless / immigrants / non-whites / non-Christians / LGBTQ / Democrats / any people we don’t like can be relocated and their problems identified,”


Yup. The “But we’ll open up our cities again, make them livable, and make them beautiful.” bit is scheduled for right after the ethnic cleansing is done.


Gee…there’s a name for something like this that’s been used before… get-something…get-too??


“We’ve identified the problem sir, the rising cost of rent, combined with the stagnation of wages. Also, lack of health care means people lose their homes to the bank when they get a serious illness.”


They have that in my town; a designated campsite that provides free tents, showers and personal counseling for the houseless. It doesn’t work. It has only managed to increase the number of houseless people and produced regular overdose deaths and numerous sexual assaults at the campsite. I’m not sure what the solution is.


I heard he had invited homeless people to camp on his golf courses. I’m not sure where I heard that but I’m sure I did.


I get the other two, but how did it increase the number of homeless? Are you saying it attracted homeless people from other places? Or something else?


Behold another Republican “small government” program. Imagine the scale of such a project, and the cost.


“We can ship them to big beautiful farms. You know there are a lot of farms in California? Not a lot of people know that. They think it’s all movie stars and socialists. And we can put them in camps of tents at these farms. Plenty of fresh air. Everyone loves fresh air. I get a lot of fresh air at Mar-a-Lago. Beautiful fresh air. And while they are there, we can have them pick some vegetables. You know these big farms like to hire illegals to pick vegetables? Well no more, we will have a near endless supply of American pickers - not those guys on TV. Those guys who go into a barn and find a mint Corvette? Not those guys. No these pickers will pick beautiful red, ripe tomatoes! Bushels and bushels of tomatoes! And you don’t even have to pay them. They do it for free because you are providing them a place to live and wonderful fresh air. All the fresh air you can breath. You know they say it does wonders for your mental health. With in a few months there will be no more mentally ill homeless, just happy, content American Pickers and it will bring down the price of groceries all over our beautiful nation.”



“Are there no Prisons?” “Are there no workhouses?”


That’s not the problem with it. The fact that it’s effectively a concentration camp is the problem. If it GENERATED money, that would not make it less odious…


There is a long list of pseudoscientific conditions used to diagnose opponents with

And most recently

This is before we get into the misdiagnosis of real mental ilnesses, or mental illness being viewed as a moral deficiency.


I favor the solution proposed by George Carlin: Nationalize the golf courses and use the land to build low income housing. Golf is a low-value land use and benefits few at great cost. Housing is a high value land use and benefits many at low cost.

I also want a national ‘thanksgiving buffet’ rule: No second servings of house till everyone has one.


Except since lots of golf courses are in out of the way places, how are low income people meant to get to work?

I like the idea of having golf courses go away in favor of housing, I just don’t think most golf courses are in places that make sense for low-income housing.