Trump says he'll ban Tik Tok

The fact that the primary users are kids does not make their personal information any less valuable.
Any app or service that both contains tens of thousands of sample points into someone’s personal life and thoughts as well as who the most important people to them are, is a massively powerfull tool for control, manipulation, and extorsion, both individually and in agregate. Add to that the fact that many of these kids are doing and saying things on social media that they will be infinetly ashamed of once they grow up and are either in the public eye or in positions of power and you have a powerful tool of control. Just ask the catholic church how well that works.
My feelings on this are simmilar to motorcycle helmet laws.

Is it an incredibly stupid thing to post a lock picking tool perfectly suited to attack you online for anyone to see? YES

Should it be banned? NO

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Or at least Oz Squad

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Or make available TikTok_Installer.msi, TikTok_installer.dmg, and maybe Tiktok_desktop.deb and TikTokDesktop.rpm.

Gangster capitalism. Let’s strongarm someone to buy this company, and let’s strongarm them again to get some kickbacks.


Sorry Donnie, but November 3rd and January 20th (noon), are fixed points. (And no, you can’t have a Teselecta ship.)

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea.

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