Trump says he's going to end constitutional right to birthright citizenship with an executive order

Just making the point that I’m not alone in this view.


Yeah that’s not what they’re getting at.

If a case as to the interpretation of the 14th amendment comes before the SC. They could endorse whatever argument Trump puts forward to claim that denying birthright to some set of people is a valid thing under the constitution. As well as accepting the argument that such things can be set by executive order.

In that case the 14th amendment wouldn’t be changed. Just the way we apply it, and what the law considers to be the meaning of the statute.

However unlikely this happens fairly frequently. It requires no action by Congress. And doesn’t involve congress at all. Its called Judicial Review. And when there is a dispute as to the validity or interpretation of law, including the constitution. Regardless of whether we’re talking about a new law passed by the legislature. Or any action by any branch that may contravene or misinterpret the law. Its the purview of the courts to clarify the situation.

To actually change the actual text of the constitution by amendment. Takes an act of Congress passing with 2/3 majority. And ratification by 2/3 of states. And is almost impossible in the current environment. That appears to be what you’re talking about. I think?

I don’t even think most of the Right Wing endorses that particular interpretation. Its some fringe ass shit.


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