Trump's distancing himself from Project 2025 is all part of the plan


Whether social or fiscal conservative, populist or establishment, keeping women out of the workplace – especially out
of jobs with high status and/or pay – has been a core value for the modern American right since at least WWII. It ranks right up there with racism and greed as a fundamental principle for the GOP.

This election is a demographic make-or-break for their rotten “kinder, kuche, kirche” philosophy. Let’s respond in kind like we did 80 years ago:


And will companies increase pay so that a one job family can survive? I don’t think so!

Cruel and dumb!


That’s the larger agenda that fuels conservatism across the board: workers must be vigorously reminded to know their place in comparison to their “betters”. Cue Wilhoit’s Law.

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Lots of their own “side” are two income homes, because one can’t live on one income, most often. Those people cheering this shit on is in for a big surprised when they are suddenly living more circumscribed lives…

Yvonne Strahovski Book GIF by HULU

The women especially are in for a rude awakening when they’re suddenly missing a finger…


And employers are in for a rude application of supply and demand. They’re already crying because they can’t get enough people for starvation wage jobs; what happens when the labor force is cut to less than half? (Ignoring that male-only employment was a recent historical phenomenon.)

They know it won’t work, but it sells to their low information rubes.


They’re the ones largely funding this, too. but hey, once they strip most of us of our rights, they can do whatever they want to their employees.


… is “affirmative action in education for boys” in there somewhere :thinking:


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