Slow news day, eh WaPo?
Couldn’t find anyone else (that matters) to talk to?
Slow news day, eh WaPo?
Couldn’t find anyone else (that matters) to talk to?
I assume he attempted to log in from home, since arriving on government grounds and attempting to access a government computer system is surely a felony. Not that attempting to access one illegally from your home isn’t.
Normally I’m not in favor of the usual gross misapplications of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, but hey this exact same thing has had other people prosecuted, so why not?
Thanks for reminding me. I have some accounts to deactivate.
The Chairman of the FCC traditionally resigns upon the inauguration of a President of the other party. Pai did that and Wheeler before him. It’s a commission that has to be 2-2 GOP/Dem, with the President appointing a 3d member to the commission. I suppose it would be possible for one of the other members of the FCC could resign and the Commissioner could be demoted. The President decides on his own who among those 5 will be Chairman. This decision isn’t up to the Senate.
Republican Commissioner expresses right-wing outrage over policy enacted by Republican judiciary.
And before that was Bartleby the Scrivener, who preferred not to.
If this guy is as squeaky clean as the rest of the crew he’ll probably end up being more peeved about the fact that IT likely applied whatever the relevant retention policies are to his communications than about the fact that they, as the forms aseptically describe it, “offboarded” him.
Thanks for the lol! So good, so good. And funny ‘cuz it’s true!
Oh, and this is a “Bring Your Own Lightbulb” kind of job.
What he needs is a team of five hackers on one keyboard to get him back in with a forged group 6 access.
So the head of the agency is unaware that when employees leave, their computer accounts are shut down? What else does he not understand about “work”?
The “work” part.
I’m working with my third administration since I started, and I most heartily agree! The higher up you go, the less work is actually done.
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