Truth Social's funding scheme is collapsing

Wow, this is going to look bad on Devin Nunes resume!



He’ll have to fall back to the farm life. If his cow lets him, of course.


Is it possible for this guy to keep any business running?

This whole idea conservatives pushed about the guy being “a great businessman” is so easily disproven by his track record. He’s a huckster.

[ETA: reading this back to myself and thinking “Hmm, hurry up and run the GOP into the ground already.”]


There was literally no point where ‘Truth’ Social was going to be a success. It was 100%, entirely and wholly a grift to transfer a couple hundred million into the Trump machine.

Their business prospectus was an utter joke. Their filings were copypasta garbage. They had Devin Nunes (!!!) in charge. At absolutely no point did Trump or anyone else involved intend to actually build a successful social network of any kind.

If anything it was a way for various bad actors to transfer money to Trump as payment for services rendered. If only I could think of a few megarich individuals or petrostates that might have a reason to do that…


Truth Social was clearly merely meant as a holding action until Twitter were “forced” to reinstate Trump (and, by extension, his followers) either through some sort of diktat or via another route e.g. the Musk takeover.
It’s not working out so well.


I’d say his M.O. is not to have a plan in any meaningful sense of the word. He’s been cruising through his whole life with little if any forethought about long-term goals or how to go about achieving them.


Okay fair.

Maybe it’s a stretch to call it an M.O. More of a pattern of behaviour. Take money, don’t give money, continue until there is no longer money to take. Find a new place to take money. Interspersed with court dates of being sued or sueing others.


I think that’s a good way of putting it. He’s like the scorpion in the fable; he doesn’t plan to do what he does, he simply can’t stop himself from being what he is. Even when doing so hurts himself in the long term.


I reckon it would be easy to sell advertisers on access to an audience that appears to be demonstrably eager to throw money away on empty promises. Or maybe they’re wary of being boycotted, especially in the wake of the recent Cloudflare business.


All cued up at the appropriate point - just press play. :wink:


… and MAN does he do a lot of that! Note that this article is from 2016, so the figures can only have grown since then.


“Zero business acumen” comes to mind, when you have tens of millions of devotees. I’m far from an expert so maybe an expert could weigh in: You’d think, just pass the basics to get an IPO and they’ll fluff you up like GameStop. But that requires an auditor who’s willing to sign your balance sheet. Is it just that there’s no “there” there… or would it require even more transparency on other stuff he wants nobody to see?


Also, recently in the news, TMTG can’t pay its bills.



Might be time for them to merge with 8-chan and put all the worst of the Internet in one place.


He is going to screw everyone in the end. He is very consistent in this way.


but facebook already exists.


… i.e. some kind of money-laundering scam thing that shouldn’t even be legal in the first place?

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Follow the link in the first sentence of the post.

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isn’t that why he held on to all those documents? people pay a lot of money to reveal, or stop the release of, government secrets. and a new company is a great way to launder the payments

( plus although his track record isn’t that great, there are a couple people likely to win the midterms because of him. that kind of access is also considered priceless to some )

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Just missing one tiny item Trump? Shutdown.
We can dream can’t we?

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