Every host on that network makes me wonder if Fox News really means Fear-mongering, Outrage, and Xenophobia. Just when I was starting to relax and enjoy not hearing about 45 multiple times every day, this comes along to fill the void.
This is as dumb as the idea that immigrants will out breed and make the people of their host nation minorities in like 3 generations.
This friggin’ guy has an audience of 3,225,000 a night.
Shouldn’t he be off fantasizing about being the last hetro procreative male on Earth? (That’d show those women who told him “Not even…”)
He has a binary brain-- on/off, black/white. the idea some things are shaded and subtle is something he would admit, but in practice, he actually can’t grok it.
I’m sure that he believes in the “One Drop” racial theory, and would look angry and confused if someone tried to explain to him that it was nonsense.
If you check page 34 of your gay agenda, you’ll find that crashing the cis-hetero-binary comes after coffee and morning stretching, but before brunch, disco napping, and setting cop cars on fire.
16%+ of kids were unwilling or unable to procreate as adults before the year 1900 (infant mortality or some such nonsense of the time). Somehow we survived as a species.
I think that’s just how he looks…
Hmm, the last version I saw must be out of date.
which is 1% of the total US Population. or is that 3.5%. Maybe it’s even 15%. The real problem is that the current trend in voting laws is to make sure that those 3.25 million absolutely get to vote while it’s increasingly difficult for anyone who ignores wingnuts like this…
i hate to be the guy to mention nazis, but seriously, this is tucker carlson we’re talking about, and that is some straight-up nazi propaganda right there.
Stupid, stupid all the way down.
He’s definitely against that, too:
Also, by his logic, he’s upset that anyone was born after he was…
It’s like we are all on his lawn and he won’t shut the hell up about it.
Guhhhh. Can someone explain to me why American Repubs have such an abiding interest in other people’s genitalia (i.e. undercarriages) and still know so little about their owners and use? You’d think that after thinking about the subject 24/7 they’d be experts on the subject, but nope.
never been his strong suit
the “boiling oceans” version of climate change
Oh dear. I don’t watch this show, but this clip has me so, so sad and disappointed in the family members who do and ascribe to these positions.
12 year old me would’ve been able to refute everything he says here. It’s such a bummer to know that the people I grew up thinking were older and wiser are so easily swayed.
If .01% identified as trans 40 years ago, and 1% do now then in another 20 years 10% will, and 20 years after than 100% of people will be trans. That’s just math. But the same math shows us this won’t lead to population collapse because a mere 60 years from now 1000% of the population will be trans, which means trans people will reproduce so much they will be 10x larger than the population as a whole.