Tucker Carlson forgets straight people can still have children

The argument has a trivial retort in that it’s based on ignoring specialization of labor/mechanization of agriculture/limitations on agricultural productivity largely not being down to available manpower(at least in the developed world); in order to accurately mirror the argument about children which is based on similar amounts of ignoring what the actual constraints on family formation/desire and ability to have children/number of children per capita are(and which has a similarly trivial retort); but it’s not false that there is some…room for inquiry…about which specializations of labor are symbiotes and which are obligate parasites.

That is a great chart. Thanks for sharing.

I remind people that trans people have always been around. Remember that Lou Reed song, boomer?

It is just now they actually have a shot of being themselves, vs pushing it down and acting “normal”, maybe engaging in acts privately.

Then I ask, “What part of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ do you hate?”


No, they freak out about declining white birthrate. Since birthrate is inevitably tied to female education and independence, the birthrate in more impoverished communities is generally higher than in more advantaged ones, hence the whole “white replacement” panic that is being peddled by the right wing. What they don’t seem to think through, is that if we wanted to decrease the birthrate among PoC’s, what we should be doing is to make them just as advantaged as the white population they are supposedly “replacing.” Post-scarcity, it appears that population should cease to be an issue.


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