Twitter values self less than half what Musk paid for it

Amusing that Telsa current value is being trashed by a climate-denial astroturf campaign.


It’s a classic tactic from the Big Bernays Book of Tr0lling: co-opt a reasonable position (e.g we need to focus on more on public transit and bikes in urban settings to reduce car dependence and emissions) and then follow up by distorting it (“EVs are private cars, .: part of the problem”) to support the real unspoken FUD agenda (“if you’re in favour of EVs, you might as well be in favour of internal combustion private cars too.” – a call to inaction).* Ironic that the astroturfers are using Musk’s own social media platform to spread a talking point that’s affecting his car company’s share price.

[* The reasonable conclusion from the first point is “we need fewer private vehicles in cities, and all of them should be EVs.” But that’s not where the concern tr0lls who shill for fossil fuel companies want people and headline writers to go. “Cities Reconsider EVs” works better for them.]


Are there any employees that would view that as actual compensation?

I know I like my compensation to largely hold its value after I receive it.


a fictional character in comic books and films.


For his own sake, it might be time to start trying on golden parachutes instead of digging his grave deeper- but for our sake, I hope he doesn’t.

I suspect Musk’s golden parachute for X will work about as well as parachutes work for that other “sooooooper genius”, Mr. Wile E. Coyote.

Fail Looney Tunes GIF


We’re breathin that rarified genius kind of air, here, folks. /s


Yeah, the definition of failing upward. This type never experience consequences of failure and keep trucking along, declare they deserve everything given to them as “success”



While no longer a public company, X employees are eligible for equity compensation in the form of restricted stock units (RSUs) that only have value after a certain vesting period. According to an email reportedly sent to X employees yesterday, X is offering RSUs at $45 a share, putting the company’s value at less than half of what Musk paid for it.


It’s also worth noting that X’s claims of new engagement highs don’t hold up to third-party scrutiny, with web analytics firm Similarweb reporting earlier this month that, one year into Musk’s tenure X engagement was “down by every measure.”






If you put Elon Musk in a cave! with a box of scraps!.. all he’d end up doing is somehow causing the cave to collapse on himself.


he’ll never have to sleep outside, or wonder where his next meal is coming from, no matter what


" On Monday, employees at X were awarded equity in the company at a valuation of $19 billion, or $45 per share, according to internal documents seen by The Verge ."

I’d be curious about the potential tax implications here. My (very layman’s) understanding is that some kinds of equity compensation only get taxed on sale; so a more or less fictional value might be disappointing but not be a direct hit; but some are taxed on receipt where it would really sting to be taxed based on the comforting delusions of remaining share price held by the guy who owns the company in exchange for shares that absolutely aren’t worth that much.


GE during the 2008 financial crisis… When they stopped being a finance company


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