Two people were very disappointed with Hamilton

In the same vein:


Where have these nimrods been?

And evidence points to Alexander Hamilton being a mixed-race immigrant in any case.

Citation needed. His father was a minor Scottish nobleman; here is his castle. His mother was a French Huguenot. Hamilton was as white as they come and spent his life benefiting from slavery. When his mother died she left him two slave boys. No record of what became of them; this is Hamilton’s privilege, that he had a name and people who bought him books, educated him, etc.

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In my mind, I usually picture him as a very upset teenager, standing in front of Joseph, fists clenched, shouting “I don’t have to listen to you, you’re not my real dad!”


There’s a short discussion of the folklore that Hamilton’s mother was biracial in Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. He comes down on the “highly unlikely” side.


They are coming back for a second season, with the same level of Gaiman involvement, but new show runners.

Clearly they’ll be at the house on the rock this coming season, meaning we’ll get to see the carousel scene from the book. I’m wondering if they’ll get to the world tree in the second season.

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WAIT, there was a tv show with Christopher Eccelston as Jesus in modern Britain? That sounds amazing! Was it any good? Do they use that Fatima Mansions song at all?

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It’s crazy, I know, but a musical is often not a documentary. George Washington was not black, true, but he also wasn’t fond of public speaking so it’s hard to image he would have readily broken into song.

Also: I saw this and it was the first musical I’ve ever attended where I didn’t think Act 2 dragged on too long.


The way the second letter capitalized ‘Meat Loaf’ and ‘Poison’ made me assume he was talking about the singer and the band. Either way “one man’s Meat Loaf is another man’s Poison” is an incredibly useless aphorism.

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i like cheese

It was written by Russell T Davies as well.

I haven’t watched it (it was on ITV at the time, who had made nearly nothing worth watching in the previous five years), but it got good reviews. I know the speech from the Orbital track “You Lot”.

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LMM has filmed an original cast performance in NYC, but he hasn’t released it.

What I find interesting about it, as a long-time lover of musical theater, is the contrast it makes to 1776. In 1776, Jefferson is one of the heroes, and George Washington doesn’t even appear on stage - the Congress only gets letters from him that they read out. Hamilton is like the love child of 1776 and Jesus Christ Superstar. JCS is my favorite musical and my family are Daughters of the American Revolution so I think it’s pretty easy to see why I love it.

Plus, I can rap “Guns and Ships.” At speed.


Yeah i recall having heard that they filmed the original cast performing the play, i am eagerly waiting for that to come out some day. And from what i’ve read and heard the play is heavily inspired by JCS and Le Miserables.

No he didn’t he escaped to Japan where his tomb remains to this day!


And did those feet, in ancient times, walk on the Sanreizan?


You mean the reform rabbi? I occasionally fantasize about walking into a church and announcing that I’m also a reform Jew, perhaps they’d like to hear what I have to say. But I don’t do it.

Easy to mock, but the logic of it being OK to use POCs to represent whites, but subject to criticism when whites play POCs, is based on the power structure of groups. And, of course, the writers of the letters are individuals. We should have learned from the last election that while whites, as a group, benefit from vast privileges and advantages, but that does not mean that every individual benefits; or, more importantly, does not feel as if they benefit.
In fact, the most privileged group of whites secure their advantage by exploiting not just minorities, but white people too. And to damn those white people along with the ruling class only serves the interest of that ruling class.
While they may be wrong to feel aggrieved at characters with whom they identify being appropriated by the community of color, you might be able to understand why they might think it elementally fair that what is good for POCs to complain about should be good for white folk to complain about.
And if you can’t understand that, you’ll continue to be disappointed at the polls.

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