Uber driver to cancer patient: you deserved cancer and are "an animal"

We don’t have Chip and PIN either, and only in the last few years have front-loading washing machines become available.

The US likes to stick with bad, old-fashioned technology when it might cost big companies a penny to switch over (see also cell phone coverage, home internet, etc. etc.)

I did a little reverse image searching and she seems to be a legit twitter user who has previously posted about using Uber in a neutral way. It says in the story that she included driver info in the screen shot to Xeni. I hope @xeni will elaborate on whether she checked those credentials.

It is not just an Uber thing. I’ve had fair share of terrible taxi, bus and private rental experience to know that jerks are just jerks no matter what vehicles they come in. (Can you imagine if all drivers, waiters, delivery people, cashiers, cleaning staffs… get hold of your Twitter?) This is horrific experience even without just had cancer treatment.

What shocked me is how unintelligent and uneducated this person seems, can’t even write one proper sentence.

Again, at least they’re not a monopoly. When I get a shitty taxi driver, their company will ignore me if I complain.

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English is defined as she is spoke.

Who texts “You aren’t human” to someone for wasting a single minute of their time?

A trolley.

Which is it? Respect? Or second guessing? CAN’T HAVE BOTH.

I’m going to pick on just one item because I’m too lazy to work over the others…

Because “completely outrageous” just never happens…


…the story must be fabricated. Uh huh. Got it.

Any particular reason you have not tried contacting the principles for a first person narrative? Lazy? Prefer ridiculous stereotyped speculation to the truth?

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