Uber in the 1980s

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/21/uber-in-the-1980s.html

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Fun, but the picky old person in me says they wouldn’t be downloading a software program for that.
Not enough Bandwidth, not enough RAM.

We were one of the first users of PEAPOD, the online grocery shopping service that started in the early 1990’s.
In order to use the service, we had to insert a 3.5" diskette and THEN connect to the Internet to order.

The video was still fun to watch though.


They didn’t; they installed from a fancy 3.5" floppy, the hipsters.


Wait…How is VT-100 not one of the terminal emulations? That was ALWAYS one of the terminal emulations available.

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Or TTY. Not emulated.

The Minitel system in France enabled users to book rail tickets among other things. I wonder if there were also taxi services.

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Now I’m trying to picture this being implemented over Le Pneu the pneumatic post system in Paris.

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