Uber is running scared of Juno, a NYC competitor that's kicking its ass

Quis disruptiet ipsos disruptus?

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All Uber stock will be transferred to a pumpkin on a collectively-owned farm.

I drive for Uber (side gig) and I welcome any competition to them. Just have to hope that Juno gets to my city soon enough.


If Uber is this worried about it, why not try to change to make it more attractive to drive for Uber? That’s the “free market” that the libertarians are always going on about.


Uber is the worst company i ever worked for (i was in engineering) , its people are unethical and i am happy to be getting out of this bad place. I wish Uber dies a painful death, they have bought over most of the media firms to report good about them and internally most employees are also unhappy with its tactics. shame on uber.


Corporate Overlords are currently en route to flay you for thought crimes against capitalism. May the all mighty dollar God have mercy on your soul.


How about “Ryde”?

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Awwwww, Uber have been ‘disrupted’? Good. Fuck 'em.


Uber has (ironically) proven the model works but their management are so high on their own “business” fumes they managed to not turn a profit

They make plenty of profit, but pay it to an overseas IP holding company to avoid taxes.


Because the Invisible Hand of the Market wouldn’t be pushing up their stock price if they actually adjusted to market conditions!


Funny how this works. Uber is trying to have it both ways.

I also how with so many years of Uber thumbing their noses at the TLC now they are all like “please help us TLC!” Again, trying to have it both ways.

No. Only yellow cabs are allowed to do this (or green boro cabs if you’re above 96th in Manhattan or in an outer borough). Any other ride service has to be by appointment only. If you’ve ever spent any time in NY chances are you’ve been solicited by a non-NYC taxi driver but it’s illegal to do this.


Better hope they have flip phone apps, too.

Boy howdy, some of those ladies didn’t even have cars!


That’s hilarious…Uber quoting rules and looking for help. Ya gotta love the size of their balls.

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