Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/01/ugly-gerry-a-font-based-on-ge.html
Available in Blue and Red. Mostly Red.
I can see my house from here!
Although it is funny that this can be done, a number of those are not obviously gerrymandered. For example, O.
Town situated around a volcano?
I used to live in Illinois 4th, which was turned sideways to make a U. The distinctive U shape is because the district runs along the Tri-State Tollway for about a mile or so. No, not the area on either side of the tollway, but the middle of the tollway itself.
Yay Illinois, doing me proud. Can’t you at least pretend to try to not be corrupt?
Consider my font selection for all future correspondence with my congressional representatives solved.
Ohio’s 4th - Jim Jordan can’t have any of those POC voting in his district.
Wasn’t he the apologist for that wrestling coach who molested 2000 young men?
Yep. what an a$$hole this guy is.
Ohio’s definitely making a strong showing in the font.
Very ugly indeed.
Compare it what it looked like between 2003 and 2013.
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