Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/12/19/uk-cops-porn-spotting-softwa.html
Here’s the trick: closed source code. And criminalize decompiling it. Problem solved!
This is why nude beaches freak me out. I never have any idea where anyone is.
…enter Sandman.
UK cops’ porn-spotting software can’t tell the difference between sand and “white” skin
You’re welcome!
But in all fairness neither can I at my age.
Sand People! Or worse!
That couple needs to do their romancin’ at another beach.
Dang it!
(deletes sand filter)
It wasn’t a rock, it was a rock lobster!
You would think that Silicon Valley companies would be better with sand.
Grace Kelly’s ankles were obviously uncovered. The hussy.
We need a good “Hot Dog / Not a Hot Dog” filter. Apparently Amazon demo’d one a few weeks ago at their cloud computing festival in Las Vegas. The Deep Lens video hardware package includes a hot dog test as a sample project.
I dunno, if you are searching for child abuse photos, is false positives really an issue? If it is just flagged, that means someone looks at it and goes, “Oh, not an issue.”
Of course the tech isn’t perfect. But it should be getting better as time goes, right?
Exactly - it filters out all the rolling green hills and small gifs of a red up-left pointing arrow and closeups of the furnace serial number and whatnot. Humans still look at what’s left.