UK drops plan to challenge to Netanyahu arrest warrant

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I can’t quite parse the sentence. So will

a) Netanyahu visit the UK?

b) be arrested if he does?


Bravo! Another domino falls. More to come, I hope. The US sure isn’t doing much to stem the genocide.
Its architect was welcomed as “His excellency” by its Congress and people were paid to sit in like a Trump rally when members of Congress walked out.


He won’t visit UK because he should know that the UK authorities ought to arrest him if he does and he won’t risk the chance that they might just do their legal duty.


So… the UK has at least nominal legal authority to arrest him if he does (along with any other nation that recognizes the international criminal court). Would they actually do so were he to step foot in the UK though?

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That’s why they’ve strongly hinted he should not visit. And foreign leaders do not typically visit other countries without being invited or at the very least notifying them and getting tacit permission. If he asked for it, he’d be told ‘no’ very diplomatically and quietly, but left in no doubt about it. They would be very embarrassed if he turned up unannounced, and might actually decide they have to arrest him.

Any country that is a signatory to the ICC would have to honour the arrest warrant.


If they want to bring their own armed bodyguards they will need explicit permission.


Ironically, because Hamas committed its crimes in Israel, and Israel is not party to the Rome Statute that established the ICC, the court does not have authority to indict Hamas leaders responsible for the October 7 atrocities, only Israeli leaders who committed war crimes in Palestine, which ratified the ICC despite not being a sovereign state.

The ICC has jurisdiction because:

(a) Hamas committed war crimes on Palestinian soil by taking hostages to the Gaza Strip and keeping them there

(b) The indicted Hamas leaders are citizens of Palestine


The UK arrested General Pinochet on this type of warrant, so I suppose we’d arrest Netanyahu.


As Netanyahu, and everyone else knows he only stays in office if there’s a bloody horrific set of war crimes happening nearby. Well, he has probably just managed to open another ghastly front to secure his unimaginably selfish interests, now with Hezbollah. This will apparently keep him there for quite a bit longer, unless folks essentially storm the capital …so many poor innocents, mgawd [sniff]


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