Underrated and overrated films (and other general filmy chat)

Good point–I didn’t check that out. I’m an Aerosmith fan myself (though probably not at your level), but the melodrama that was amped up approximately every thirty seconds at the possible death of X, or the leaving of Girlfriend Y, or the choosing of piecrust W, completely wiped away any thought I had of enjoying the soundtrack. There isn’t a single moment in that movie that doesn’t get the sappy treatment–it’s like swimming in an ocean of high fructose corn syrup. So instead of the action carrying me to the point of being excited to see if the actor lives through some particular issue, the issue is mined for how many sad/concerned faces they can show.
Within ten minutes of the opening, I wanted every one of the “drill team” (or whatever the hell they were called), including everyone on earth, to die in horrible, asteroid-induced agony.