a) there’s no lethal rain of radiation.
That’s wrong. Earth is protected from high energy particles in the solar wind and cosmic rays by having an atmosphere and a magnetosphere. Mars has neither to speak of. Consequently, the solar wind is blasting full force at ground level. There is also full exposure to extra intense blasts from solar flares. These are things that the ISS has an emergency escape plan so that astronauts aren’t irradiated to death.
In fact, the lack of a magnetosphere is thought to be one of the primary reasons for Mars’ lack of an atmosphere. The solar wind ejection of Martian atmospheric atoms has been measured by orbiting probes.That in turn means no real prospect of terraforming because any attempt to form an atmosphere without a magnetosphere to protect it will lead to the same end.
b) water & air can be manufactured on the planet, from the copious
amounts of water ice that are everywhere on the planet (they just melt
the ice for water, and extract oxygen from it and mix with the martian
atmosphere for breathable air). the ice is just under the surface, and
mixed in with the soil.
And your evidence for “copious” is what, exactly? There is certainly water on Mars but it is by no means clear exactly how much remains. A lot of the surface stuff (including the entire south polar cap and a lot of the north polar cap) is actually frozen carbon dioxide. You can’t drink that. And this is something you need to know before you go, not after.
c) they’ll bring food with them, and they’ll set up lots of greenhouses
to grow food, they can probably even grow some stuff using the martian
atmosphere, pressurized.
The more bulk cargo you have to transport, the less feasible this scheme is. A supply line that stretches 100 million miles is just not going to work.
Further, a greenhouse by itself is not sufficient. You don’t just need dirt and CO2. You need nitrogen (not there - just 1.89% of a very thin atmosphere). You need symbiotic organisms in the soil. You need organic matter. All of this is bulk material that costs a lot to ship.
Methane Factories? From the poop they poop out I guess? Because there isn’t anything to make methane out of on Mars. They can’t make that much.
Certainly people have thought about this. The general conclusion is that it would be extraordinarily expensive, extraordinarily dangerous, and with no clear purpose.
Musk, on the other hand, did actually address this. It is someone else’s problem. He’s just the transport guy, the Union Pacific of our times. Except that the previous Union Pacific wasn’t built until there was already something on the left coast that was profitable to connect with.
Cheap spaceflight is important on its own merits and I’m all for that. But colonization is not in the cards for a long time, if ever. There just isn’t any purpose for people in space.