Unitarianism vs Unitarian Universalism

So, first, thanks for making this a separate thread. Cool topic.

I’ll summarize something that I posted a few months back. My experience with college young 'uns in the USAn South is that many of them don’t much understand the Christianity they claim to practice. They believe they’re saved because they believe. They know they “sin” according to their religion, but it’s not a big deal because they’ve “accepted Christ.” It’s an incredibly narrow view of their own religion. Despite being Southern Baptists, and claiming that faith in the death and resurrection is the key, they mostly operate under the concept of a covenant of works–you have to go to church and do some other things or you won’t “get into” heaven.

At the same time, the young 'uns don’t have the rabid homophobia of the older generation. They are generally more tolerant, though they’re certain “those people” are going to hell.